Flesh & Blood Stories

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Before You Submit

A Quick Thank You
We’re really looking forward to getting your script (or project) and want to say a very quick, but very big, “thank you” in advance for the opportunity of reading your work. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an aspiring newcomer, it takes time, effort and dedication to get an idea down on paper and still more to offer it up for consideration. So the very least we can do is to give you and your work our very best attention and consideration.
Terms & Conditions
By making a submission you will be agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and be confirming that you have read our Privacy Notice. Please take the time to read both before clicking ‘Submit’. Any questions, you can always contact us in advance via our Contact Page.
Ensure you have the following ready before you submit…

Thank you

Script Submissions for Flesh & Blood Stories are now closed