Flesh & Blood Stories

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A Flesh & Blood Story

By submitting a Script or Project You Agree To The Following...

By completing the submission form and by attaching a copy of a dramatic work (a script, screenplay, treatment, outline or any other literary work) you agree and confirm that you are over 18 and that the dramatic work as submitted is original and that you are the sole author or copyright owner.
If you are not the sole copyright owner then you confirm and agree that you have obtained permission from your co-author(s) or other copyright owner(s). If you are submitting on behalf of someone else, then you agree and confirm that you have obtained permission from the author/copyright owner to do so. By supplying personal information and by submitting a dramatic work you accept and agree that Nearside Productions Ltd reserves the right to handle the dramatic work and retain your information (including any attachments) for the purposes as set out in our Privacy Notice.
You further accept, agree and confirm that acceptance of your submission by Nearside Productions Ltd does not imply nor constitute a binding agreement or legal contract of any kind and that Nearside Productions gives no warranty or guarantee or commitment of any kind whatsoever to exploit, develop, license, purchase, commission, stage or produce the dramatic work (as submitted) and that it has no obligation to do so. Nearside Productions Ltd hereby confirms it will at all times respect and observe your rights as copyright holder(s) but will not accept any liability for copyright infringement (or any claims made thereof whether now or in the future) in respect of claims for damages or infringements or losses of any kind whatsoever made in connection with the similarity (coincidental or otherwise) to any other dramatic work(s) submitted to Nearside Productions.

If You Have Any Questions

Any questions, you can contact us via our Contact Page.